[FTNN新聞網]記者陳弘志/台北報導國防部長顧立雄在召開國防部軍事會議時,傳出僅聽取「最前面5分鐘簡報」後隨即離席,之後並未裁示,一度引發會議中將領面面 ...
As colleges grapple with how to recover from the Israel-Hamas controversies on their campuses, some have decided the best way ...
In the end, those four words are all that matter about the verdicts delivered Thursday against the former president.
陳鳳馨續指,5月30日英特爾、超微(AMD)、微軟、Meta 等科技巨擘宣布共同開發UALink互連技術,並根據人工智慧下一代的發展,制定產業標準,然而其中卻獨缺輝達。她點出,輝達的成長快速終究會令其他的競爭者眼紅,抑或是引發客戶不滿的聲音。
The Republican leader of the Will County Board, who also serves as Homer Township supervisor, is defending himself after ...
Democrats locked in competitive Senate races are leaning into their party’s legislative accomplishments in ads touting ...
Two people were shot in separate incidents this weekend at OnPoint gun range, police said. Police said the latest incident, ...
Mexicans headed to the polls on Sunday to vote in a historic election, overshadowed by violence, that is expected to return ...
警方調查,該賭場以撲克協會名義,對外招募會員,並以比賽方式規避查緝,賭客在賽後帶著籌碼兌換現金;經過長期蒐證,1日凌晨率隊前往查緝,一舉逮捕陳姓負責人、5名荷官、3名工作人員、35名賭客、1名毒品嫌犯1人及6名關係人等51人,並查扣抽頭金95萬餘元、 ...
SIR – Donald Trump’s tirades on being found guilty in a court of law (report, June 1) confirm what we all know. He is ...
This year's series of BGT came to a close on Sunday night, with 11 contestants battling it out for the life-changing prize.